主演:Rikki Beadle Blair,Noel Clarke,Rebecca Varney,Paul Keating,Davey Fairbanks,Karl Collins
剧情: This British Channel 4 Production (also the source for Queer as Folk) is a hip, action and music filled vision of a multi-racial and pansexual London with oodles of beautiful guys and gals. This am..
主演:Rikki Beadle Blair,Noel Clarke,Rebecca Varney
剧情: This British Channel 4 Production (also the source for Queer as Folk) is a hip, action and music filled vision of a multi-racial and pansexual London with oodles of beautiful guys and gals. This am..
剧情: 这个暑假,三年级的小姑娘朱迪·穆迪决定要过得刺激一点,她希望拥有一个最爽的、史无前例的暑假。她和自己的好朋友洛奇和艾米已经商量好了怎么在一起冒险。 可是天不遂人愿,暑假到了,洛奇和艾米却双双有了新的安排。洛奇去了马戏团,在那里和小丑作伴。当然,洛奇去马戏团并不是去玩闹的,而是去学习训狮子。艾米的暑假更为刺激一些,她和自己的妈妈一起去了婆罗洲,去那里探寻古老的部落、潜水、游玩。好朋友走掉了..