主演:Rikki Beadle Blair,Noel Clarke,Rebecca Varney,Paul Keating,Davey Fairbanks,Karl Collins
剧情: This British Channel 4 Production (also the source for Queer as Folk) is a hip, action and music filled vision of a multi-racial and pansexual London with oodles of beautiful guys and gals. This am..
主演:Rikki Beadle Blair,Noel Clarke,Rebecca Varney
剧情: This British Channel 4 Production (also the source for Queer as Folk) is a hip, action and music filled vision of a multi-racial and pansexual London with oodles of beautiful guys and gals. This am..
主演:布兰登·弗雷泽,Brendan Fraser,Dave Foley,Bruce McCulloch,Kevin McDonald,Mark McKinney,Scott Thompson
剧情: 科学家克里斯发明一种抗忧郁剂,始用者一经服用后,就能重温他们最愉税的时光。消息一经披露,千万人争相服用。不料,克里斯却又发现如果大量服用这种药,将会有昏迷的危险,但是时他还能及时去阻止这服抗忧郁的狂潮吗? Kids in the Hall Brian Candy (1996) Gay Subplot movie
主演:Mark W. Hardin,Edward J. Fasulo,Mary Jean Feton,Vincent Wares,Kevin Joseph,Eyde Byrde
剧情:A confused young man, just out of the proverbial gay closet, must choose between his lover of nine months and his ultra-religious parents on Christmas Eve.
主演:Dan Butler,Don Ameche,Johnny Arthur
剧情:A film scrapbook, images, phrases from our past, hiding their meanings behind veils. Let"s lift those veils, one by one, to find how images, at one time seeming innocent, have revealed, after decades..
主演:Peter Franzén,Niko Saarela,Lauri Nurkse,加斯帕·帕科农,Vesa-Matti Loiri
剧情: The story bases on four Finnish brothers, nicknamed "the Eura Daltons" who received nation-wide notoriety for tearing gas pumps apart when they needed cash. The cast is an impressive one: the brot..
主演:Olivia Newton-John,Kirk Geiger,Sarah Hunley
剧情:As three generations of a family in a small Texas town gather for a funeral, we learn the hilarious, sad, trashy truth of the "Sordid Lives."
主演:姜受延,钱忍和,朴常民,Mark McLachlan
剧情: 本片是一部记录影片,人肉面包店,英语片非香港《人肉叉烧包》据说远超过《索多玛一百天》和《豚鼠》系列.剧情来自真实生活。影片最后还有纪念对象,估计是现实生活中受害对象。 一家面包店老板超级变态,专门杀害一些少女,并且把他们的肉做成食品.最后两警察查到一些蛛丝马迹,最终破案。 人肉叉烧包同类型的片子,恶心起人来不偿命.如果说电锯惊魂,人皮客栈,隔山有眼,鬼转弯系列因为电影尺度问题还有一点对血腥..
主演:比利·伯克,Mark Kelly,Oz Perkins
剧情: 科尔是个讨人喜爱的通俗人,但总从他亲眼目睹了一场恐惧的自杀后,任务初步偏离正轨。他的老婆分开了他,他保管幻象的熬煎,工作生计生计也青云直上,蜕化为一 家地毯洁净公司的蓝领效力员。在他的生计好像进入最低谷的时分,科尔接到一个去离城很远的一栋意式豪宅做今夜洁净的派遣。他的火伴--高傲的殷商业主亨利好像有意使科尔误解他屠戮了自己的老婆,并以此为乐。地毯上微红的污渍,烤兔身上插着的芒刃,一向响着的手机..