主演:Mr. James,Mr. Lepard,Florence Williamson
剧情: Though James Williamson had already made at least 122 one-shot films since 1897 (mostly comedies such as Washing the Sweep or actualities like Early Fashions on Brighton Pier, both 1898, Attack on ..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: Here is a most novel picture. A prominent actor with wonderful talent for facial contortion is standing some distance from the camera. As the film is set in motion, he walks toward the lens until h..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: James Williamson"s 1902 catalogue has a detailed description: Shows how a dinner went to the dogs. Three scenes. 1st Scene - Quiet roadway, tramp slouching along, butcher walks up briskly with t..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: James Williamson"s September 1902 catalogue contains a detailed synopsis: First Scene: Policeman on his beat in the early morning finds an unoccupied portion of a building well alight with windo..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: The adventures of an inattentive man. He"s at his kitchen table, reading. A woman brings his hat and points to the clock. He continues reading and pours coffee into his hat. He leaves, still readin..
主演:卢·戴蒙德·菲利普斯 罗莉·佩蒂 Steven Williams
剧情: 联邦探员杰克抓捕了逃逸在外的某案证人,为了赶在开庭前把证人安全送达,杰克和他的同事们选择了一条早已被荒弃的公路,然而,不归之路才刚刚开始。 警员杰克参与了一场证人保护计划,准备将线人史密斯押往亚利桑那州的沙漠地带,与他同行的还有联邦调查局的打手。在击退了数名黑手党暴徒后,他们来到了神秘的666号公路。然而这里的情况却比其他地方更加危险,因为有一群忽隐忽现的丧尸在等待着他们的到来,不可思议..
主演:Elizabeth Ammann,Will Sexton,Brian Stampfl,J. Maki,Eric Colley,Kathy Johnson,Greg Barnett,Albert Warren Schlosser
剧情: 1912年2月泰坦尼克号完成了装潢工作,处女航被延期后,泰坦尼克号于3日抵达南安普敦港,停泊在41号锚地,等待10号那天激动人心的处女航时刻到来。 出现了不愉快的小小插曲,由于南安普敦港煤炭工人罢工,加煤工作遇到了一点挫折。IMM公司不想再推迟泰坦尼克号的处女航,所以从公司所有停泊在南安普敦港的邮船煤舱里搜刮干净了所有的煤块。 这件事表面已经过去,实际上在内部却突显和激化了哈南德沃尔夫..
主演:John Travolta,Robert Duvall,Tony Shalhoub,William H. Macy,John Lithgow
剧情: 故事的构想始于十年前。当时,当红律师许立建事业蒸蒸日上,个性骄傲不驯,遇到一件严酷的挑战:伍本案。位于波士顿北方的伍本镇,15年内8名孩童死于血癌,居民认为与水源被污染有关,造成污染的是美国两大企业集团:葛瑞斯和毕翠斯工厂。 大部分的律师不愿承受如此棘手的案子,但许立建看见了背后的庞大和解金及他事业的另一高峰,便着手调查。他砸下大笔经费,花引无数精力研究此案,然而却不如预期。为此他失去了名..
主演:Mara Hobel,Michael Lucas,Hugh Panaro,Aaron Williams
剧情: Two friends, a young gay man and his straight girl friend share an apartment in Manhattan and try to deal with life in the big city. Mara Hobel is very funny as the fag hag friend and the movie is l..
主演:Fernanda Andrade,Simon Quarterman,Evan Helmuth,Ionut Grama,Suzan Crowley
剧情:很多人被一个恶灵附身;只有她是被多重恶灵附身!1989年,119接到由玛莉亚罗斯(苏珊克萝蕾 Suzan Crowley 饰)打出的电话,她自首虐杀了3个人。20年后,她的女儿伊莎贝拉(费尔南达安德拉德 Fernanda Andrade 饰)试着深入挖掘案发当晚的真相,因此前往探视被禁锢在义大利专门治疗犯罪精神病的圣堤诺医院的母亲,以便确认20年前发生的惨绝人寰事件的缘由,究竟是因母亲心智丧失或..