主演:Christy Geslain,Alison Haislip,Cameron Northey
剧情: 两拨人马在咖啡屋的再次相遇,一边深柜里的Chris的刻意隐藏,终于禁不住另一边自信满满John的咄咄逼人的攻势,让他抛开一切顾忌,抱得美男归...
剧情:A young California surfer, Wayne Montgomery, gets framed on phony drug charges and thrown into a Peruvian political prison for communist dissidents in 1980. Wayne encounters a series of eccentric and..
剧情:After dense matter from an imploded white hole hits Earth, theplanet"s rotation is devastated. A group of government agents must locate a lostsatellite network that is the world"s only hope for survi..
主演:John Ebon-knee Campbell,David Cary,Shirley Chantrell,Neil Collie,Paul Cox,Mark Hampton
剧情: 三个在伦敦的同志好友,一个过着双重身分的生活,一个玩世不恭,一个却渴望真爱。故事由其中一个同志好友的葬礼开始,以一个现代剧[我爱断臂衫]作结束。 三个华裔英国同志的遭遇各有不同,却同时都面临传统与现代价值冲突的情境。他们将如何面对各自的真正感情呢?
主演:Benjamin Dickerson,Tim Campion,Brian Halloran
剧情: I was lucky enough to see Benjamin sing in concert once (playing Caiaphas in a production of "Jesus Christ Superstar"), and was struck by his craggy, Tom Waits-like vocal delivery, as well as his c..
主演:Brian Cambell,Peter Marinelli,Matt Edwards,Holly Barrett,Aaron Michael Stahlecker,Michael Gonring
剧情:"I want a straight lover who is gay just for me" declares Jaime in front of his abusive shrink. This is also the statement that propels the plot of a disenfranchised homosexual looking for himself.
主演:Emily Mortimer,Stephen Campbell Moore,James McAvoy,Michael Sheen,David Tennant,Fenella Woolgar
剧情: 故事发生在三十年代的伦敦,这座巨大的城市里,处处弥漫着奢靡和浮华的气息,男男女女们沉浸于此,不知魏晋。亚当(史蒂芬坎贝尔摩尔 Stephen Campbell Moore 饰)是一位默默无闻的作家,他将名媛妮娜(艾米莉莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)当做了垫脚石,希望能够通过两人的婚姻成功打入纸醉金迷的上流社会。 妮娜陷入了同亚当的热恋中无法自拔,可她那保守而又古老的家族却并..
主演:Peter Lee Cameron,Philip Cairns,Jonathan C. Dietrich,Rafael Araujo,Tal-orr Maisner
剧情:An avant-garde gay theatre group decide to make a gay porn film based on the Greek classics.
主演:Cassidy Field,Jasper Bel,Gabrielle Reiman
剧情: I"m close to God. I"m close to you... Two boys dream of a life together in heaven.
主演:Lisa Vanderpump,Kim Richards,Kyle Richards,Taylor Armstrong,Adrienne Maloof
剧情: 真人秀节目《亚特兰大贵妇的真实生活》系列一直很受欢迎。最新一版《亚特兰大贵妇的真实生活》(TheRealHousewivesofAtlanta)本周首播,这已经是该真人秀的第三版了。第一版《橘郡贵妇的真实生活》(TheRealHousewivesofOrangeCounty),2006年3月首播,女主角泰拉巴尼(TamraBarney)在游艇上庆祝自己的四十岁生日,同时得到了丈夫送她的价值四..