主演:Mr. James,Mr. Lepard,Florence Williamson
剧情: Though James Williamson had already made at least 122 one-shot films since 1897 (mostly comedies such as Washing the Sweep or actualities like Early Fashions on Brighton Pier, both 1898, Attack on ..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: Here is a most novel picture. A prominent actor with wonderful talent for facial contortion is standing some distance from the camera. As the film is set in motion, he walks toward the lens until h..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: James Williamson"s 1902 catalogue has a detailed description: Shows how a dinner went to the dogs. Three scenes. 1st Scene - Quiet roadway, tramp slouching along, butcher walks up briskly with t..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: James Williamson"s September 1902 catalogue contains a detailed synopsis: First Scene: Policeman on his beat in the early morning finds an unoccupied portion of a building well alight with windo..
主演:James Williamson,
剧情: The adventures of an inattentive man. He"s at his kitchen table, reading. A woman brings his hat and points to the clock. He continues reading and pours coffee into his hat. He leaves, still readin..
剧情:Barry is a talented mechanic and family man whose life is torn apart on the eve of a zombie apocalypse. His sister, Brooke, is kidnapped by a sinister team of gas-mask wearing soldiers experimented ..
主演:Joey Rico,Liam Harkmore
剧情:还记得年前的禁忌之遇第一部:乱侍家人么?今天给大家送上第二部:登堂入室。看名字就知道是文艺片(划掉)大乱炖了。据说都是自己送上门去的哟[偷乐]翻译:茶茶 时间轴:杨梅烧酒 压制:阿萌 海报:24 关键词【0220】
主演:Erin Sharkey,Ava Cadell,Dr. Catherine Hood,Raj Patel
剧情: 《21世纪性爱指南》是英国广播公司(BBC)官方制作、出品的客观、严谨、真枪实弹的性教育纪录片。《21世纪性爱指南》并非想象中的堕落的A片,尽管如此,仍含大量的、无与伦比的细节画面及场景,手把手、嘴对嘴的讲解,涉及各种器官、姿势体位、群交口交等诸多真人示范,是震撼全球的性教育珍贵版本。 这套电视记录片更像是女性版性爱百科全书,抛开尺度百无禁忌,其严谨高超的制作水准及健康开放的性意识是中..
主演:Carl Sagan,
剧情: 卡尔萨根对科学和社会的诸多方面都有重大。深远的贡献,并且影响了全世界数以亿计的人们。他在行星科学领域所作的重要研究,与美国的空间计划密切相联;他还编创了受到高度评价的电视系列片《宇宙》,并且是普利策奖的获得者以及许多畅销科普书的作者,《卡尔萨根的宇宙》是一本引人入胜、插图精美的文集,它由多位作者撰写,涵盖了萨根为之献身的科学、教育、政策制定以及相关的许多领域。 天文学家大概是最像大祭司..
主演:Kristyan Ferrer,Adriana Paz
剧情: 墨西哥2013年度无删减完整版凸显忘年恋电影《空虚时光》,墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯荒芜的海岸边,十七岁的塞巴斯蒂安照看着一家叔叔留下来的小旅馆。 来到这里的人通常只住上几个小时。塞巴斯蒂安大部分时间都无所事事,他与一个老顾客米兰达交上了朋友。米兰达总是在这家旅馆等待她的情人,而对方常常不出现。塞巴斯蒂安与米兰达渐渐了解彼此,在他们之间开始了一场暧昧的诱惑游戏。