主演:Lawrence Barraclough,Michael Elias,David Brian
剧情:Having come to terms with the size of his own 3.5 inch erect penis on My Penis and I (2005), Lawrence Barraclough follows it up by turning his attention to how other men feel about the size of their ..
主演:Roy Kirkland,Harrison Simon,Danielle Lalk,Davey Sheffield
剧情: Ray Dalton [Roy Kirkland] is a successful businessman, snappy dresser, drives a Lexus on 22s and never meets a stranger, but love seems to be the hardest object to acquire. Ray gets lots of advice ..
主演:Vanessa Redgrave,Martin Balsam,Michael Cavanaugh
剧情: Fact-based story about tennis pro Renee Richards, whose player status was challenged in 1976 when it was revealed that she was a transsexual. Flashback to 1964 and meet Richard Radley, a successful..
主演:Aviva,Jenica Bergere,Tracy Berna,Mari C. Blackwell
剧情: 一部荒诞喜剧,因为直接性暴露镜头过多只能做局部放映。 Franklin一家是虔诚保守的典型南方家庭,某一天当他们被公车迎面撞晕后,醒来所有人都改变了对性的要求。老爸开始使用各式性道具,老妈熟视无睹的裸奔购物,健美男子气的大儿子居然喜欢被男人上,还在学校浴室与教练发生关系。最离奇的是,他们对自己的性取向津津乐道,在餐桌上互相调侃分享。家中唯一没出车祸的只有小女儿,她惊恐的看着家人变得越来..
主演:Pathompong Reonchaidee,Akalavut Mankalasut,James Hari Edmundson,Panta Pattanaampaiwong
剧情:GMM25新剧<痞门绅士>将于7月30日开播.该剧由8位来自真人秀的小鲜肉主演,剧中他们是一群贵族学校的高中生, Toi和Foei联合起来想要打破学校不公平的制度,但他俩打小就是对头,又喜欢上了同一个女孩,事情开始变得复杂. 和其他青春剧不同的是,这部剧的角色性格由演员性格放大而来.
主演:Steve Masters,Eden Miller,Slava Mogutin,Ralph Steel,Daniel B?tscher,Jens Hammer
剧情: 沉迷集体x爱、四处抢掠和政治狂热的新纳粹恶男,一日闯进有钱同志情侣大宅,誓要来个天翻地覆。 导演Bruce La Bruce这次与德国一间c人电影公司合作,希望透过政治讽喻和连场z爱,让观众对同志、种族和政治议题来个深入反思。 影片的x爱场面大胆露骨,对政治的态度也绝对离经叛道。《TheRaspberryReich》玩尽左派,今次《Skin Flick》又扭转形势,讽刺极右思想。..
主演:David McMahan,Matthew Sandager,Jessica Burstein
剧情:Billy Lee Tucker has his penis shredded in a hot tub accident at the age of 8. Now 28 years old this is his story.
主演:Forrest Bankston,Jeff Batton,Peggy Brown,Brooke Creef
剧情: "The Books Of John" 讲述了三个不同的人生, Frank McClean (Jeff Batton饰), Will (Mathew Palmer饰) 和 Caryn (Kristen Justice饰). Frank 在突然失去伴侣后感到孤独无助. 几个月后他发现自己的伴侣藏有一本秘密的私人日记. 藉由这本日记, Frank 决心一探和他共同生活多年,但自己却全然不了解的这..
主演:Erik Knudsen,Brittany Murphy,Jason Priestley,Margot Kidder,Helen Shaver
剧情: This movie contains three short stories dealing with the theme of homosexuality. In "A Friend of Dorothy", a woman joins the Navy during the 1950"s and discovers lesbianism. In "Mr. Roberts", a ..